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Cold Storage boxes Manufacturers

Cold storage box Manufacturers in India

Our 30,000 Lakh

Ice Boxes Uplift India's
Fishing Industry

And You Thought We Only Make Water Tanks
Cold Storage Boxes Manufacturers and Suppliers India - Aquatech Tanks

Portable Plastic Ice Boxes


Transport Frozen Food, Ice Cream, Ice etc with ease!

The cold storage boxes from Aquatech was designed and developed in the industrial design centre of Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. It is made after carefully observing the laws of thermodynamics and the industrial design disciplines. The temperature within this cold box is maintained at minus 18 C subjected to a minimal rise in temperature of 0.7 C per hour. The box and its lid are completely insulated using PU Form (Polyurethane Foam) to prevent the heat loss, and its ergonomic handles enable convenient handling and stacking. Aquatech's portable plastic iceboxes are widely preferred across India to transport frozen food, ice, ice-cream, etc. with ease.

Dimensions of Cold Storage Box

Capacity ( Ltr ) Length ( mm ) Width ( mm ) Height ( mm )
100 590 470 680
  • NSIC-CRISIL Performance and Credit Rating - Aquatechtanks
  • Association of Rotational Molders - Aquatechtanks
  • TUV 9001
  • Bureau of Indian Standards - Aquatechtanks