Aquatech Septic Tanks are precisely manufactured using leak-proof engineering. Our septic tanks come with “3 Chamber Baffe Design” system that offers primary biological treatment to crude sewage produced in a normal domestic environment. It retains solids and allows them to settle out, where they are partially broken down by biological “Anaerobic” action by microbes and bacteria. The remaining liquid (normally called effluent) is left to flow down towards the outlet drain. Various gases produced such as Bio-gas, Carbon-dioxide, etc. stays on top of the effluent and escapes through the vent pipe. This effluent undergoes further anaerobic digestion process in the subsequent chambers all along the long flow path without any turbulence inside the tank ensuring a high degree of settlement & sedimentation, thus providing a low level of suspended solids perfectly suitable for discharge into an underground sock-pit.
It is essential to place the septic tank, especially its sock-pit (effluent overflow pit) adequately away from the nearby drinking water well. So, Polyethylene material is the best to resist human waste on a very long term basis even than cement. This material is rotationally moulded using PLC– Numerically Controlled Machines, in tough LLDPE (Polyethylene) to offer a very high level of impact resistance. Excavate/Dig a trench of required height as per the arriving inlet sewage pipe level and provide a minimum gap of 300 mm all around the sides to enable perfect fine sand/soil back-filling of the septic tank. Ensure that the septic tank rests with its base fully supported on a hard and strong level surface so that it does not move even when it is loaded fully with water. If the soil underneath the septic tank is loose, it is advisable to make a strong basement with concrete so that it's footing is firm. Position the septic tank on the concrete after cement concrete is fully & properly set. Ensure that the base surface is perfectly plain & is free from any projections or any hard materials getting trapped underneath the based of the septic tank.
Capacity ( Ltr ) | Model ( fpd ) | Overall Diameter |
Overall Length |
Overall Height |
Wall Thickness |
No. of Chambers |
No. of Manholes |
Size of Manholes |
Dia of inlet & Outlet pipes |
Dia of Gas Vent |
1000 | 15 | 955 | 2000 | 1110 | 10 | 3 | 1 | 550 | 115 | 100 |
Capacity ( Ltr ) | Model ( fpd ) | Overall Diameter |
Overall Length |
Overall Height |
Wall Thickness |
No. of Chambers |
No. of Manholes |
Size of Manholes |
Dia of inlet & Outlet pipes |
Dia of Gas Vent |
1500 | 25 | 1025 | 2300 | 1170 | 10 | 3 | 1 | 600 | 115 | 1000 |
Capacity ( Ltr ) | Model ( fpd ) | Overall Diameter |
Overall Length |
Overall Height |
Wall Thickness |
No. of Chambers |
No. of Manholes |
Size of Manholes |
Dia of inlet & Outlet pipes |
Dia of Gas Vent |
2000 | 35 | 1175 | 2600 | 1380 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 550 | 115 | 100 |
Capacity ( Ltr ) | Model ( fpd ) | Overall Diameter |
Overall Length |
Overall Height |
Wall Thickness |
No. of Chambers |
No. of Manholes |
Size of Manholes |
Dia of inlet & Outlet pipes |
Dia of Gas Vent |
3000 | 60 | 1395 | 2600 | 1610 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 550 | 115 | 100 |